Buddy's Bar

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

FORSYTHE WHITFIELD Live@Buddy's Bar - Wed 3rd June - 2pm slt (10pm Irish time)

We Welcome Back the great Roots & Blues artist Forsythe Whitfield, from Canada back to the Buddy's bar stage.

Forsythe has been playing the blues for about 10 years now and is hooked on slide guitar and ukulele. He finds almost no division between the blues and modern roots music. He believes in the song and in delivering an honest performance. Expect a mix of slide blues guitar, hot instrumentals and ukulele tunes mixed with a wry sense of humor and a keen observational mind.

Forsythe has toured Canada extensively. He explains that Second Life has been instrumental in the growth of his music career in the last year. "Since I've been playing shows here in SL, my online CD sales have increased and there are more folks e-mailing me about my music. I have been preselling my CDs to help fund them for a number of years, and this time most of the subscribers to the CD are residents of SL. Normally to sell CDs an independant artist like me has to spend time on the road. Playing for the people where they live. With SL I play for the people from my home and they meet me in the place we both live, Second Life."

In RL his name is Manitoba Hal Brolund.

Like anyone whose name is a place, Manitoba Hal wears his love for his roots on his sleeve. But those roots aren't just in the prairie soil. Hal's got a songwriter's roots in eerie folk - murder ballads and killer floods - and a player's roots in the deep, dark, fixin' to die blues. This is a man who can sing the word "lonesome" like he means it, and no mistake.

Highlights of Hal’s career include; opening for Kelly Joe Phelps, Mose Scarlett, Fred Eaglesmith and Micheal Jerome Browne, sharing the stage with Dr. John, Colin James, Big Dave McLean, Phil Guy, Ken Hamm, Amos Garrett, Valdy, Tim Williams, Don Ross, Bill Bourne, Lester Quitzau, Washboard Hank, Suzie Vinnick, Danville Dan and Fruitland Jackson.

Discover Forsythe on the videos below:





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